
We were commissioned by the brands U.S. agency to design web pages and develop a hub that would support Cointreau’s new vendor campaign. Once developed we would then integrate the restaurant booking engine API into the hub in order to allow restaurant bookings directly from the hub.


Cointreau CMS

We designed and developed a Content Management System that allows Cointreau to upload their restaurant vendors profile information, which is then sent directly through to the restaurant booking engine via the API integration we did.

The CMS accommodated data such as name, address, restaurant descriptions, recipes and even images. Each restaurant had their own landing page which even included a google map of their location.


We created all of the web banners and email assets.



The results of our efforts and this campaign provided Cointreau a platform to promote it’s restaurant vendors in a new way, while still promoting their brand and product and special offers. Restaurant goers could not only book easily for their favorite restaurant, but the could enter to win gift cards for discounts to be used on the restaurant booking engine.  A win-win for everyone.

You can give us a call or reach us by form.
