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How to Design Website for Mobile Devices | Best Web Design Company San Diego

Most people rely heavily on their mobile devices for communication, research, and entertainment. In fact, a recent study revealed that 92.1% of people browse the Internet using a mobile device. There are at least 4.32 billion active mobile Internet users.

If you’re an online business, you know that these numbers mean one thing: you need a website suitable for mobile devices.


Why are websites on mobile devices different?

Websites may look similar when you view them on a desktop and a mobile device, but the experience is different if you look closely at the details. For instance, if you open a website that’s not optimized by the best web design company San Diego for mobile, the pages won’t display correctly.

You might not be able to see the entire page or some texts are too small to read. This is mainly because mobile websites have design elements specifically for smaller screens while regular websites are for larger screens.

You’ll notice that clicking on tabs is difficult because regular websites are made with mouse-clicking in mind. This is where responsive design plays a huge part in user experience. When a website is designed to fit both large and small screens, you can guarantee that user experience is consistent.


How can you create a website for mobile devices?

Creating a website suitable for mobile devices should be done by the best web design company San Diego. Why? Well. it involves many technical details. Here are some best practices that will help make your website user-friendly.


It needs to be responsive.

  • Responsive web design is crucial to making a mobile-friendly website. This means that it automatically scales its size to fit the user’s screen without affecting the elements of your website.


Your website needs to be fast.

  • People don’t have time to wait for your website to load. Especially, if they need information fast on their mobile devices. In fact, a survey pointed out that websites that load within one second have higher conversion rates than those that take five seconds. So, it’s very important to make sure that your website will load fast for your users.


It shouldn’t have any pop-ups.

  • Pop-ups are annoying, especially when you’re browsing on a mobile device where there’s already limited space. There shouldn’t be any pop-ups on your website that could drive potential customers away just because it’s a hassle for them.


Images should be compressed.

  • Large-scale images will affect your website’s speed, so you need to compress images, so they don’t take up so much file size and slow down your website affecting customer experience.


In the end, working with the best web design company San Diego will help guarantee that you will experience all these benefits in creating a website that will be suitable for mobile devices and keep your users happy. Click here to learn more about G4 Design House today.

G4 Design House is proud to offer its services nationwide, but especially locally in San Diego and surrounding areas and cities: Chula Vista, Encinitas, Escondido, San Marcos, Del Mar, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Temecula, Anaheim, and Los Angeles.