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Common Design Problems a Web Designer can Resolve to Fix Your Website



Are you wondering why your website is not receiving traffic, visits, engagements, or business? Does the majority of your website visitors abandon the page in just a few seconds?

There are many reasons that these things happen. For most of them, however, a web designer can do something to fix your website. These professionals will look into what goes on behind the scenes and provide the appropriate solutions. It’s possible that your site is not user-friendly or easy to navigate. It might have many broken links or that it takes a long time for a web page to load.


Keep the Layout Simple and Clean

Adding unnecessary visual elements tend to create clutter and make a site appear disorganized. This also makes it harder to navigate from one page to another. In this case, the idea that less is more is highly applicable.

A professional in web design will remove elements that take away the beauty and value of a page. They also know how much white space a page can have.


Maintain a Balanced Layout

A website is usually made up of text and images or graphics. Users usually focus at the top left of a page and slowly track to the right. So, create a layout based on this fact.

You should also know that website visitors focus more on a page’s text rather than images. Thus, ensure a web page combines text and images in such a way that it is easier to read. Also, there must be a good flow from the top left to the right.


Appropriate use of Graphics

Graphics have the power to make any website look fancy and cool. Too much of it, however, can clutter a website.

A web designer knows which graphics and other visual elements serve a real purpose and remove unnecessary ones.

The only graphics a good website must have are a logo, navigation icons (home and back), background images, title bars, photos, and horizontal rules.


Used to Write Fonts

The typography used on your website can affect how website visitors take in information.

Arial and Verdana, for example, are recommended for on-screen reading. For a website with a flat UI design, the best fonts to use are Open Sans, Museo Sans, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, San Francisco, and Avenir Next.

Font size, on the other hand, is influenced by the type of device. Mobile websites must have a font size of 12 to 16pt, tablets with 15 to 19pt and desktops with 16 to 20pt.


Improve Accessibility

Your website’s level of accessibility depends on readability and navigation. The former relies on topography, while the latter is concerned with navigation buttons and placement.

It’s important that your website is both readable and easy to navigate for a visitor to have a positive user experience. The lack thereof will prompt them to abandon your site.


Improve Page Load Speed

There are many factors that affect how fast or slow your web page loads. These include server performance and location, volume traffic, size of images, code density, and unnecessary redirects.

A web designer will know how to fix your website so it will satisfy the 3-second rule, which is said to be the amount of time an online user is willing to wait.

Given their skills, knowledge, and tools, a web designer can look at the website and quickly identify what is wrong with it. They can then look deep into its inner workings to further determine how to improve your website performance from the front end to the back.


G4 Design House is proud to offer its services nationwide, but especially locally in San Diego and surrounding areas and cities: Chula Vista, Encinitas, Escondido, San Marcos, Del Mar, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Temecula, Anaheim, and Los Angeles.